miércoles, 9 de julio de 2008


The other when I was watching TV with my parents...
'cuz I got so tired that day, was the first day of a lame,...so lame job that I got just for few days..
So, among calls from my homies having fun and the lack of energy in my body... I decided to stay and enjoy just a li'l bit of the saturday night programs...
Watching some kind of a "talk show" called 'gigantes con vivi'... I realized that they use to ask a "small but huge question"!
How was your first time?"!
That moment I remembered the time that I was in Montana, asking for the 'for dummies' books, looking forward the "english for dummies"; however, the first book that I found was one called 'first timer for dummies' (WTF)!
Anyway, it's so cool to recall those times, I mean, that time!..
all like nervous, in love, desperate, peacefull, worry and a lot of others adjetctives that we all remember for eva' and neva'!
I do have to say that mine... was... magnificent! (thanks Ellen P. for that word)
after that (having in mind that the date was 18th sept, if you're chilean...you'll laugh!) I must say that, you must have all of these 5 factors if you wanna be a first timer:
1- fall in love first of all!
2- it has to be in his/her room or yours.. be patient if any of you have a big family, someday nobody will be at home!
3- use a sheet, just that, You won't be neither cold nor hot! And all the naked thing, will be covered.
4- take all your time... as much as you need (specially for men) magically you will know when!
5- think about it... you have to know when to say when!

PS: if both are virgin... fuckin' better...if u know what I mean!
Pss: pleaaaaase!!.. no music!

Canción para hoy: Cafe Tacvba - Chica Banda
Lugar para hoy: Laguna sausalito - Vina del Mar - Chile
Película para hoy: Juno
Pagina para hoy: http://www.tiolarkinbolivia.blogspot.com/


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